Kiir to receive report from peace deal committee

Kiir to receive report from peace deal committee

The high-level committee on the implementation of the agreement and road map will tomorrow submit an explanatory note to the presidency after the members and leaders of the committee meet on Monday.

Last week, the committee met and kicked off with a review of the peace agreement and roadmap to finalise this week and submit the explanatory note to President Salva Kiir.

Speaking to the media on Monday after the meeting, the Minister of Petroleum, Puot Kang Chol, said the meeting of the high-level committee on the implementation of the agreement was completed.

“We have completed the revision or review of the status of the implementation of the roadmap, which was agreed upon by the parties in 2022, and we have concluded that today (Monday) we completed the agreement,” he said.

He added: “We have also drafted an explanatory note to the principal, which will be submitted to the principal’s signatory as parties to the agreement on Wednesday by this committee as the status of the implementation of the roadmap. Now that we have again looked at the way forward as parties to the agreement, 

“We will finalize that tomorrow as parties to the agreement, and that again will be submitted together with the review to the principal, where the final decision will come from. So we are asking you to bear with us as we are coming closer to the end of this work that we have been doing for the last two months.”

Last week, the minister of cabinet affairs, Dr Elia Lomuro, said the committee was yet to sign the document after the committee deliberated on the implemented chapters and the pending tasks and agreed on the report, which will be presented to the president next week. 

“We have now looked at the number of activities, articles, and sub-articles that have been completed, ones that are in progress, and ones that are pending.

“So, we have agreed that on Monday we will clean up the document, and by Monday we will meet in the afternoon so that now all the parties will finalize the discussions and provide a way forward,” Lomuro said.

There is still uncertainty over the fate of the 2024 elections due to the varying positions adopted by the parties to the revitalised peace agreement.